eLBi Diaries: Seoul Kitchen

It’s been one month since my officemates and I decided to go on food trips every once in a while. And by “every once in a while,” it means every pay day (or ako lang ba ang nag-iisip nito??! Chars.) Oh well. It’s our second session and we have decided to eat at one of Elbi’s most popular food trip getaways: Seoul Kitchen.



As a frequent customer, I would always order one of SK’s best sellers: red chili carbonara, the popular creamy “white” and bacon-y pasta with a little touch of chili and spice.

This time, however, I decided to try my friend’s recommendation: the oriental chicken pasta. Maiba naman. The dish is good, sweet, and savory but personally, I would still prefer the red chili carbonara. HAHA. (Not really a fan of sweet pasta dishes, sareeh).


Seoul Kitchen offers a variety of mouthwatering dishes to choose from:


Aside from the good food and Korean MVs shown on the resto’s TV screen, the homey and relaxing ambience plus the cute interior (and eating utensils, lol) contributed a lot on why I prefer Seoul Kitchen among the many other restos in Elbi.


Presenting  my newfound favorite:

Chicken Mayo

Location: 9005 Pearl Corner F.O. Santos, Umali Subd., Los Banos, Laguna 4030 (nostalgia feels~)

Price Range: Around Php 90-200~

Rating♥ ♥ ♥  ♡ [4/5]


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